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5-8 September, St. Petersburg, Russia. 

Patrizia Quattrocchi presented the poster "Obstetric Violence. The new goal for research, policies and human rights on childbirth" at the 26th European Congress on Perinatal Medicine.

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14-19 August, Stockholm, Project dissemination and training.

Patrizia Quattrocchi attended at the 15th European Association of Social Anthropologists EASA Biennial “Staying, Moving, Settling” in Stokholm. 


15-20 July. Salamanca, Spain. 56th International Congress of Americanists.

Patrizia Quattrocchi and Natalia Magnone Alemán organized and co-chaired the Panel on obstetric violence “Derechos y violencias en la atención del embarazo, parto y nacimiento. Alcances y desafíos en la investigación y la política de salud” at the 56th International Congress of Americanists (ICA), Salamanca. 13 experts coming from Mexico, Costa Rica, Brasil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Canada and Italy discussed research data and perspectives on the matter. 

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1 July. St. Petersburg, Russia. Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi’s abstract “Obstetric violence. New goal for research, policies and human rights on childbirth” was accepted at XXVI Congress of Perinatal Medicine that will be held from 5th September to 8th September in St. Petersburg.

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22 June. Member of Doctoral Jury, Autonomous University of Madrid.

Patrizia Quattrocchi was invited as a member of the Jury for the discussion of the Phd Thesis “La Violenza Obstétrica como violencia de género. Estudio etnográfico de la violencia asistencial en el embarazo y el parto en España y de la percepción de usuarias y profesionales" (director of the thesis Dr. Javier Mir Rodríguez, candidate Msc. Eva Margarita García, Phd in Human Sciences).

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14-16 June. Perugia, Italy. Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi presented the paper “Violenza Ostetrica. Le potenzialità politico-formative di un concetto innovativo” at the 2nd National Congress of Medical Anthropology, Panel “Sexual and reproductive health”. 

30 May. Italy. Designing the Platform on Obstetric Violence.

The designing of the Platform on Obstetric Violence has started. Civil associations, academics and health professionals has been contacted. A starting international core group has been identified.

25 May. Invited peer review.

Patrizia Quattrocchi was invited to peer review a paper on reproductive rights by Revista “Antropologia” published in Italy.

22 May. Trieste, Italy. Project dissemination.

The researcher was invited to present the OBSTETRICVIOLENCE Project at the  WHO-Collaborating Centre for Maternal and Child Health held in Trieste.

7-8 May. Perugia. Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi presented the paper “Violenza Ostetrica. Esperienze, strategie e sfide dall’America Latina all’Europa at “XL Convegno internazionale di americanistica. Sessione di Antropologia medica”, panel “Medical Anthropology” chaired by Dr. Paola Sesia.

4 May. Online interview on obstetric violence. Project Dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi was interviewed by the Italian journalist Valentina Colmi on obstetric violence topic. The interview is available on the page

21 April. Invited peer review.

Patrizia Quattrocchi was invited to peer review a paper on obstetric violence by Revista de Ciencias de la Salud published in Colombia.


31 March 2018. Project dissemination.

Progress report on the project. Newsletter number 3.

13 March 2018. Gorizia, Italy. Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi at the “Cossar High School”.  The anthropologist was invited  to conduct a workshop on childbirth with 36 scholars attending their last year in social-health career and to give  a lecture on respectful childbirth and reproductive rights.

8 March 2018. Palermo, Italy. Project dissemination

Patrizia Quattrocchi was invited  to give  the lecture “Resistere alla medicalizzazione non necessaria” at the event “ I trattamenti non necessari alla nascita. Effetti sul vissuto delle donne e della famiglia”. The conference was organized by the “Ordine degli Ostetrici” of Palermo.

7 March 2018. Palermo, Italy. Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi was invited  to participate at the workshop “Nascere segna” and to give a conference on obstetric violence and reproductive rights at the end of the event.

November-December. Degree in Midwifery, University of Trieste, Italy.

Patrizia Quattrocchi’ lectures on anthropology of birth. During the lecturers obstetric violence, human rights on childbirth and respectful childbirth topics were discussed with the students in Midwifery. “Freedom for birth” video was shown.

28 November 2017. Mérida, México.

The researcher was interviewed by POR ESTO! on the presentation of the book “Cánceres en mujeres mayas de Yucatán. Pobreza, género y comunicación social” (eds. Judith Ortega Canto and José Perez Motul, Plaza y Valdés, 2017)

28 November 2017. Radio Yucatan, Mérida, México.

The researcher was invited to give a talk on the presentation of the book “Cánceres en mujeres mayas de Yucatán. Pobreza, género y comunicación social” (eds. Judith Ortega Canto and José Perez Motul, Plaza y Valdés, 2017).



28 November 2017. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, México.

The researcher was invited as a commentator to the presentation of the book “Cánceres en mujeres mayas de Yucatán. Pobreza, género y comunicación social” (eds. Judith Ortega Canto and José Perez Motul, Plaza y Valdés, 2017). The researcher is author of the book chapter “La demanda de Papanicolau por parte de las mujeres de Peto, Yucatán. Sugerencias para mejorar la calidad de los programas de detección oportuna desde las perspectivas de género, la interculturalidad y los derechos humanos”.

27 November 2017. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, México. Project dissemination

The researcher was interviewed on the lecture topic by the Yucatecan newspapers “El diario de Yucatán” and “Por Esto!”.


27 November 2017. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida, México. Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi gave a lecture on obstetric violence at the “Unidad de Ciencias Sociales del Centro de Investigaciones regionales Dr. Hideyo Noguchi

05 November 2017. Interview.

Journalist Valentina Murelli interviwed Patrizia Quattrocchi on homebirth and respectful childbirth.


2-3 November. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.  Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi gave a lecture on obstetric violence at the “Primer Seminario Internacional: Diálogo de saberes, puentes de encuentro, salud género, sociedad y cultura”. The lecture was intitled “Violencia Obstétrica.” aportes y potencialidades de un concepto innovador para repensar la atención al parto, al nacimiento y la formación de los profesionales de la salud”

26-27  October. Università degli Studi di Cagliari. Project dissemination.

The researcher was invited to present a lecture on childbirth at the “Giornata di studio in ricordo di Luisa Orrù”.  She participated in the panel “Parto, nascita e corporeità femminile” and gave the lecture intitled “Resistere alla medicalizzazione. Dall’esperienza delle donne e delle levatrici maya dello Yucatan (Messico) al contesto europeo.

30 September. Project dissemination.

Second Newsletter on the project.

28 September. Cervignano, Italy. Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi presented the public talk “Nascere lascia il segno. Parto rispettato e diritti riproduttivi”, Cervignano.

20 September 2017. Rome, Italy. Fieldwork.

Patrizia Quattrocchi attended at the Press Conference “ Le donne e il Parto. Prima Indagine nazionale Doxa sulla violenza ostetrica in Italia”, organized by OVO- Observatory of Obstetric Violence. The OBSTETRICVIOLENCE Project was presented at the Seminar on care during facility-based childbirth organized by OVO-Italy.

4-8 September 2017. Valencia, Spain. Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi presented a Poster on OBSTETRICVIOLENCE Project at “14 Congreso de Antropología “Antropología en Transformación: sentidos, compromisos y utopías. Symposium Perspectivas contemporáneas sobre derechos humanos: usos y procesos de recreación en contextos locales”,  Valencia, Spain.

18 August. Buenos Aires. Hospital Nacional “Prof. A. Posadas”. Fieldwork.

Hospital visit. Patrizia Quattrocchi was well received at the Maternal and Child Health Department by the Department Head Dr. Antonio Mónaco and his colleagues. She administered a questionnaire to residents in obstetrics and gynecology and residents in midwifery on their definition around the topics of obstetric violence and humanized childbirth.


17 August. Buenos Aires. Secretaría de Derechos Humanos y Pluralismo Cultural. Fieldwork.

Patrizia Quattrocchi was invited at the Dirección Nacional de Políticas Contra la Violencia Institucional de la Secretaria de Derechos Humanos y Pluralismo Cultural de la Nación. She discussed obstetric violence topic from a human rights perspective with the national director Matías Ezequiel Garrido, the lawyer Silvina Gabriela Garcia Conto and the psychologist Dolores Villamayor.

14 August. Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos “Dr. T. Alvarez”. Fieldwork.

Hospital visit. Patrizia Quattrocchi asked obstetrics and gynecology residents and midwifery residents to fill out a questionnaire on obstetric violence and humanized Birth.

8 August. Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi at the Instituto de Salud Colectiva.

Dissemination lecture entitled: “Violencia Obstétrica. Los nuevos objetivos para la investigación, la política y los derechos humanos relacionados con el parto y el nacimiento. Avances de Investigación”

4 August. Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos “Dr. P. Piñero”. Fieldwork.

Hospital visit. Patrizia Quattrocchi asked obstetrics and gynecology residents, midwifery residents, and midwives and gynaecologists based in the Maternity ward to fill out a questionnaire on obstetric violence and humanized Birth.

25 July. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi at the XIII Jornadas nacionales de Historia de las Mujeres; VIII Congreso iberoamericano de Estudios de Género.

Dissemination lecture “Violencia obstétrica. ¿Cuáles son los aportes de la Argentina al debate internacional?"

19 July. Buenos Aires. Hospital General de Agudos “Dr. J. A. Fernandez”. Fieldwork.

Hospital visit. Patrizia Quattrocchi asked obstetrics and gynecology residents to fill out a questionnaire on obstetric violence and humanized birth.

16 June 2017. Lanús (Argentina), Hospital General de Agudos “Evita”. Fieldwork.

Hospital visit. Patrizia Quattrocchi asked midwifery residents to fill out a questionnaire  on obstetric violence and humanized childbirth.

15 June 2017. Mendoza (Argentina). Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi at "Tercer Jornadas de Sociología de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo y Pre-ALAS 2017".

Dissemination lecture entitled “Violencia Obstétrica. Aportes desde America Latina”, that examined preliminary results on fieldwork carried out in Buenos Aires. This was part of the panel discussing “Género, Sexualidad y Políticas Públicas".

15 June 2017. Mendoza. Training.

Attended the workshop "La intervención en lo social como praxis coproductiva"

Tercer Jornadas de Sociología de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo y Pre-ALAS 2017.

10 June 2017. Next year in Salamanca!

Patrizia Quattrocchi and Natalia Magnone’s symposium proposal "Derechos y violencias en la atención del embarazo, parto y nacimiento: alcances y desafíos en la investigación y la política de salud” was accepted at the 56th International Congress of Americanists (July 2018, Salamanca, Spain). Call for proposals on, symposium 12/12. Deadline 20 October.


7 June 2017. Buenos Aires. Fieldwork.

Participating in the public discussion coordinated by Francisco Saraceno, Cinema Gourmount. After the screening of documentary “Parir” students in Midwifery and Nursing discussed obstetric violence topic.


18 May. Buenos Aires. Cine Gourmount. Fieldwork.

Participating in the premiere of “Parir”, the documentary on obstetric violence directed by Florencia Mujica/Las Casildas.



15 May 2017. Buenos Aires. Legislatura porteña.  Fieldwork.

International Week of respectful Childbirth. Patrizia Quattrocchi is attending a discussion on respectful childbirth in the Buenos Aires City Council.                                     more 


15 May 2017. Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Fieldwork.

Patrizia Quattrocchi administered a questionnaire to students in the final year in Nursing Degree on their definition around the topics of obstetric violence and humanized childbirth.


12 May-9 June 2017. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Training.

Attended the weekly Workshop “Violencias y género en el campo de la Salud”, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.  


May 2017 Universidad de Buenos Aires. Training.

Attended the online course entitled “Introducción a los derechos humanos”, organized by the Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.


28 April 2017. Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Patrizia Quattrocchi presented (invited speaker) at the Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani.

The presentation was entitled “Resistir a la medicalización innecesaria. La experiencia de las parteras mayas de Yucatán”, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales.

26 April 2017. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina.

Partecipating in the public lecture and discussion on obstetric violence in the hall of the Faculty of Medicine. Speakers: independent midwives Francisco Saraceno and Marina Lembo and doctor Cecilia Zerbo.

31 March 2017. Project dissemination.

First Newsletter on the progress of the OBSTETRICVIOLENCE project

19 March 2017. Patrizia Quattrocchi in Buenos Aires. Fieldwork.

Participating in the Festival del Parto Respetado. During the festival, the play "Parir(NOS)" was performed, followed by a debate chaired by Las Casildas members.

March 2017. Salud Colectiva.

Patrizia Quattrocchi was invited to peer review articles for the Journal "Salud Colectiva", published by Instituto de Salud Colectiva de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús.

26 February - 6 March 2017. Patrizia Quattrocchi in Cordoba (Argentina). Fieldwork.

Dissemination of the project at the Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas.

8 and 22 February 2017. Buenos Aires. Patrizia Quattrocchi at Series of Seminars organized by Las Casildas.

Invited speaker at the seminar series entitled “Parto como sistema de poder o el poder del sistema sobre escena del parto”.

8 December 2016. Patrizia Quattrocchi in Montevideo (Uruguay). Invited speaker at the Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de la República, Montevideo. The presentation was entitled "Derechos Umanos y asistencia reproductiva. Aportes desde la partería alternativa.                                                                       more

23-24 November 2016. Moreno (Argentina). Fieldwork.

Hospital Visit at the “Maternidad Estela De Carlotto” in Moreno, where Patrizia Quattrocchi conducted interviews with the hospital directors and collected further data attending the Staff Meeting "Reunión de Equipo".

19 November 2017. Patrizia Quattrocchi in Buenos Aires. Fieldwork

Observing the theatre performance of “Parir(NOS)”  (Las Casildas) followed by a discussion.

18 November 2016. Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Welcome.

The Instituto de Salud Colectiva de la Universidad Nacional de Lanús welcomes the researcher Patrizia Quattrocchi.           more

13 November 2016. Patrizia Quattrocchi in Buenos Aires. Project dissemination.

Invited speaker at “Primer Congreso Internacional de Parteras Cosmopolítas”

AAPI-Asociación Argentina de Parteras Independientes, 11-13 November.  

28-29 October, 11-12 December 2016. Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Training

Attended Dr. Edoardo Menéndez seminar “Reproducción Social y proceso salud-enfermedad-atención. Introducción al enfoque relacional”, Instituto de Salud Colectiva.

25 October 2016. Universidad Nacional de Lanús. Project dissemination.

Patrizia Quattrocchi was interviewed by Melina Aversa for the Journal “Viento Sur” vol. 14, 2016, pp. 40-43.

25 July. OVO Italia, Osservatorio Violenza Ostetrica.

In the paper "Sicurezza, diritti riproduttivi e saperi autorevoli nel parto e nella nascita in Italia"

Patrizia Quattrocchi comments about the political debate on legislative proposals to promote physiological childbirth in Italy.


This  project  has  received  funding  from  the  European  Union’ s  Horizon  2020  research  and  innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 700946.

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