Patrizia Quattrocchi, PhD
Dr. Quattrocchi is an Italian medical anthropologist, currently working at the University of Udine, Italy.
She is interested in how different contexts respond to the over-medicalization of birth, women’s agency in birth, reproductive policies and gender issues.
She has worked in Honduras (1998) and in Mexico (2000-2009), focusing on Lenca and Mayan midwives’ knowledge and practices.
In Europe, her work has focused on out-of-hospital childbirth (homebirth and maternity home).
From 2005 to 2009 she coordinated the project “The Sobada Time. Childbirth in a Mayan village of Yucatan” implemented by an international partnership consisting of 15 Italian and Mexican governmental, academic and non-governmental institutions. www.mayas.uady.mx/articulos/sobada.html
From 2006 to 2009 she worked as a full-time researcher and professor at the Autonomous University of Yucatan (Centro de Investigaciones Regionales “Dr. Hideyo Noguchi", Department of Social Medicine and Public Health), carrying out anthropological studies on reproductive health, intercultural health and cervical and breast cancer in Mayan communities.
In 2010, she benefitted from a Marie Curie grant (7FP, CODEONBIRTH Project, grant agreement n. 256422) to return to Europe. As a Marie Curie Fellow, she conducted the research “An intercultural and ethic Code on Birth. Dialogue between international directives and women's needs” (University of Udine, 2010-2015). www.cordis.europa.eu/result/rcn/182890_en.html
Over the years, she has given lectures and conducted seminars and workshops in many European and Latin American universities and in health professional training programmes. She has also participated in a number of national and international conferences.
She is the author of 70 publications and Vice-chair of AREAS-Associazione di Ricerche Etno-antropologiche e Sociali. www.areasfvg.wixsite.com/areas
She was awarded twice a Marie Curie Fellowship by the European Union. In 2016, she obtained a second Marie Sklodowska Curie grant (Horizon 2020) to carry out the OBSTETRICVIOLENCE Project.

Educational Background
2005, PhD, Ethno-Anthropology, University of Rome “La Sapienza”. Dissertation on Mayan women’s reproductive health in Yucatan (Mexico).
1999, Post-graduate in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Padua.
1999, B.A. at University of Trieste. Dissertation on midwives' knowledge and practices related to childbirth (Honduras).